Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Becoming a Fashion Designer

Have you ever had that dream? Maybe, something less luxurious than that, maybe just the owner of a custom shirt design studio. That avenue of design has always been sort of closed off and limited.
By expanding the everyday persons' creative palette and allowing the design of clothing, Electroloom a 3D clothing printer, promises to change that; PROMISES. I honestly don't know how well they intend to keep that promise. But, the advent of being able to design custom fit clothing for a reasonable price is a very attractive idea. Honestly now ladies how many times have you been to your favorite store looking for the exact size you want? Perhaps the sleeves are a bit long or maybe the waist is a bit to large on the only pair of those jeans you like. You can't steal someone's design, but, the advent of making something incredibly similar sounds better than having to settle for clothes that just don't fit right? It sounds good to me. I've had clothes that I've always really wanted but never been able to find the size for. I hate settling for exactly something that I didn't want. So when I heard of Electroloom it sounded like my kind of machine.

Exactly how this machine functions and how good the prints are awaits to be seen but if Electroloom keeps its promises we may be enjoying 3D printed clothes at year's end. It also awaits to be seen exactly how large this machine is; I imagine quite large considering it'll need to print a variable amount of sizes. Also how much the machine costs will factor into how the market receives the machine. I mean I want custom clothes but not at the cost of $300,000 for the machine. So have hope, but take the sweet news with some salt.


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